Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

About Cycle of Peace

Cycle of Peace is Ambulance Wish Singapore's signature fundraising event. It brings together families and friends to cycle and raise awareness on the lives of the terminally ill in our community, while raising funds to support the wish granting work at Ambulance Wish Singapore.

This year will see the third iteration of Cycle of Peace. Similar to the first two iterations, the primary campaign is a Virtual Cycling Challenge, which will take place from 5 Aug to 4 Oct 2024. The highlight for Cycle of Peace 2024 is Singapore's 1st Charity Car Park Race on 29 Sep 2024.
The Cycle of Peace aims to raise at least $200,000 to keep our services running for the wish beneficiaries.

Cycle of Peace is open to anyone who wants to support the terminally ill.

You and your friends can sign up for Cycle of Peace from 26 July to 4 October 2024.

The Virtual Cycling Challenge starts from 5 August to 4 October 2024. Cyclists can pledge to cycle anytime, anywhere and accomplish any distance to support the work of AWS. They can also rally and refer their family and friends to support them in their crusade to raise funds to help fulfil wishes.

All personal, team progress and fundraising accomplishments will be tracked on a leaderboard on the microsite.

The highlight for Cycle of Peace 2024 is Singapore’s 1st Charity Car Park Race on 29 Sep 2024 at OUE Downtown Gallery. Registration for the Charity Car Park Race will need to be completed separately. This Finale event will also feature carnival booths with lots of fun activities for the family.

If you do not cycle but would like to support our work, please donate to our fundraising appeal on where we have created a campaign page for Cycle of Peace.
We are excited to introduce two new elements to this year's campaign.
  1. Singapore's 1st Charity Car Park Race
    In Singapore's 1st Charity Car Park Race, participants are required to cycle approximately 14 levels up the OUE Downtown Gallery Car Parks. Participants will start from Basement 2 of OUE Downtown Gallery Tower 1 Car Park, ascend to the street level, cycle for approximately 250 metres before entering OUE Downtown Tower 2 Car Park, and continue cycling up to Level 6 to reach the finish line.
  2. Referral for Family and Friends
    Upon registering for Cycle of Peace, you will be issued a referral code. We hope that you can share your referral code with your family and friends, and encourage them to also register for Cycle of Peace and raise funds for Ambulance Wish Singapore. The top 3 referrers with viable donations stand a chance to win attractive prizes.
In Singapore's 1st Charity Car Park Race, participants are required to cycle approximately 14 levels up the OUE Downtown Gallery Car Parks. Participants will start from Basement 2 of OUE Downtown Gallery Tower 1 Car Park, ascend to the street level, cycle for approximately 250 metres before entering OUE Downtown Tower 2 Car Park, and continue cycling up to Level 6 to reach the finish line.
  1. Anyone can participate in the race using either a road bike or a mountain bike; the choice of bike is up to the rider. A separate Foldies category is available for foldable bicycles.
  2. Individual Time Trial: Cyclists will start individually at intervals of 10-20 seconds.
  3. Qualifying Rounds: Each category will have practice qualifying rounds to determine the fastest cyclists.
  4. Final Rounds: Top qualifiers from each category will compete in the final rounds. The number of finalists will be decided by the race director based on the number of participants.
The race is facilitated by Cycosports.
  • Juniors 13+
  • Elite 18+
  • Masters 35+
  • Supermasters 45+
  • Veterans 55+
  • Ultraveterans 60+
  • Juniors 13+
  • Elite 18+
  • Masters 35+
  • Supermasters 45+
  • Veterans 55+
  • Ultraveterans 60+
  • Open to all ages, male and female, and Single Speeed foldable bikes
  • Top 3 Fundraiser (Individual)
  • Top 3 Fundraiser (Team)
  • Top 3 Referrers
  • Top 3 Distance Covered (Individual)
  • Top 3 Distance Covered (Team)
About Ambulance Wish Singapore

Ambulance Wish Singapore is a charity supporting terminally ill patients through the simple but deeply meaningful act of wish granting. Our work is rooted in our motto, "Fulfilling Wishes, Celebrating Lives!"

The end-of-life experience is different for everyone. For some, it can be the most challenging time for them and their loved ones. Sometimes a person dies without fulfilling their wishes because they are either immobile or require extensive medical support. Other times, the caregiving process stretches the families beyond their limits and little time is left to do much more.

With the support of partners and supporters, Ambulance Wish Singapore is enabled to assist these families in granting the final wishes of the terminally ill.

We hope that through fulfilling their wishes, we can celebrate their lives by creating positive experiences and memories. More importantly, this simple act of wish granting provides closure, bringing comfort and peace to both the beneficiaries as well as their families.

AWS has worked hard to build a team of caring and committed volunteers who work closely with hospitals and hospices in identifying the needs of the terminally ill patients and fulfil their wishes.
Terminally ill patients often have little time to realise their unfinished business or unfulfilled wishes. Helping them fulfil a wish can help the patient find meaning and hope, thereby providing relief for the distress they are experiencing. Through our work at Ambulance Wish Singapore, we have seen how fulfilling a wish can elevate the spirits of both patient and family members in this end-of-life journey.
We are an affiliate of Ambulance Wish Foundation, which was started in 2006 in the Netherlands. We were inspired by the work at AWF and decided to set-up a Singapore chapter. AWS is independently run but we are grateful for the support from AWF founder, the late Mr Kees Veldboer.
Ambulance Wish Singapore is managed by a small team and its board of individuals who are passionate about improving end-of-life care. Here is the link to view the list of our board members.
Wishes and Referrals

We work closely with the medical social workers, doctors and nurses caring for terminally ill patients in hospices and hospitals. Many of our referrals are from Singapore Cancer Society, National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore General Hospital, HCA Home Hospice, Assisi Hospice and KK Women's and Children’s Hospital.

Through caring for their patients, the healthcare personnel understand what matters to them. Through conversations, the patients' wishes are shared. In turn, these organisations refer their patients to Ambulance Wish Singapore so we can assist in the best possible way to fulfil each wish.

Any terminally ill patient or their family members can also contact AWS directly.

We fulfil wishes for anyone who is terminally ill (with a prognosis of less than 12 months), aged 19 years and above, is Singaporean or a PR and has not received a wish from another organisation.

For the critically ill aged 3-18, please approach "Make-A-Wish Singapore" which is another wish granting organisation.
We do not conduct means-testing because we believe every person deserves the opportunity to have their wishes fulfilled, regardless of their background.

The wishes we fulfil often have to do with affairs of the heart and their families. We have helped patients visit special places of personal significance, celebrate special occasions, organise a family portrait photography session, create scrapbooks and leave legacies for their beloved family members.

Since we started 5 years ago, we have fulfilled more than 200 wishes. The average turnaround time to fulfil a wish range from 1 day to a couple of months. It is highly dependent on the patient's condition. There have been exceptional times where we had to work swiftly to grant wishes of patients whose conditions deteriorated very quickly.
At this point, our focus is on wishes that can be done locally. We will review plans for travel wishes in due course. Although we do not have the capacity to fulfil travel wishes at this point, our volunteers have been very creative. One such example was when the wish team worked with a beneficiary's family to help the patient travel virtually. They brought the sights and sounds of Vietnam to him. The experience included Vietnamese dishes and video clips of his favourite spots in Vietnam.

The safety of our wish patients is of utmost importance to us. We work closely with their families and healthcare teams to ensure their care needs are taken care of during the wish outing. Advice and clinical protocols from their healthcare teams are observed and emphasised to ensure patient’s safety.

For wish outings of patients who require extensive care, we ensure that the patient is accompanied by a registered nurse. Ambulance transfers and wheelchair accessible cars are arranged when needed.

With greater awareness of wish fulfilment for terminally ill patients, Ambulance Wish Singapore has seen an uptake in wish referrals from hospices and hospitals and it anticipates more wish referrals in the years ahead.

Ambulance Wish Singapore is ramping up its operations and fundraising to fulfil more wishes.
All our beneficiaries have a prognosis of less than 12 months, and many of them have terminal cancers. The majority of our beneficiaries are in their 60s, the oldest beneficiary being 89 years old and the youngest 19 years of age.
Yes, there are wishes that we do not grant. They include wishes that have to do with direct gifts of money, illegal acts, wishes regarding citizenship and wishes that could potentially jeopardise the well-being of the patient and the Ambulance Wish Singapore.
Volunteers and Donors

Our volunteers come from all walks of life. They include working adults from all industries, tertiary students, homemakers and retirees.

We currently have more than 380 volunteers who help in the wish granting process as well as fundraising projects. Our oldest volunteer is 71 years old and the youngest is 18 years old.

All our volunteers are trained on the rudiments of palliative care, how to create a delightful and memorable wish experience for our beneficiaries and how to communicate empathetically with patients and their families.

The training programme is thoughtfully structured to focus on mentoring our volunteers to make every wish special and heartfelt.
We need to raise at least $500,000 to keep our services operational and continue to grant all the wishes identified in the processes.
We work on an average of about 5 to 10 wishes per month. We expect the number of referrals to increase in the next 12 months with increased awareness and understanding of our services.

AWS is grateful to have received support from generous individuals and companies to help us fulfil wishes. We have been privileged to partner the organisations and companies such as Give Fun, Caring Hearts Nursing, Far East Hospitality, Gardens by the Bay and Eu Yan Sang.

Individual Donors can donate to us through and fundraisers such as the Cycle of Peace.

In the past years, we received donations and collaborated with various organisations and companies such as IQVIA, Rotary Club of Marina City, KLA Corporation, Mazars LLP, Schroders and Ang Chin Moh Foundation on fundraisers to support the work at Ambulance Wish Singapore.
Ambulance Wish Management

Stewardship of funds donated is diligently observed at Ambulance Wish Singapore. The finance committee exercises prudence and ensures good governance over all allocation of funds including operational as well as granting wishes.

We are grateful for the generous sponsorship of in-kind contributions in fulfilling our beneficiaries' wishes. This has helped keep our expenses to a minimum.
Yes, all donations above $50 are eligible for a 250% tax deduction.

As a relatively new charity, we are managed by a small team of three staff and our board of individuals who are passionate about improving the end-of-life care.

We are however, moving towards increasing the operations staff force to manage the increasing number of wishes.

It is our hope to acquire an ambulance in the future. Currently we work with ambulance service providers whenever needed.

Not all wishes we work on require the services of an ambulance. Some wishes are fulfilled at home and patients who are mobile do not require an ambulance.

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